poesía de gotán:

Mi dolor (1930)

My Sorrow
lyrics by Manuel Meaños

I return from far-off lands where I went
to search for a way to forget my sorrow,
comfort for a soul that suffered, believing
in the deceits and promises of love.
Off to oblivion, that balm that eases suffering,
I left, bitterly carrying
my cruel memories of the good fortune
that I once believed I could live out with you.

I was
your heart’s slave,
I bowed to your whims
and you paid me back with betrayal.
Now that my soul is cured of its wound,
I don’t think I’ll ever come back
to beg for your love again.

Because off where I went
to forget all my woes,
I came to know
love’s intoxicating delights—
my sorrow found its cure.
My passion only gave
my senses up to love,
but my soul kept
its purity guarded
and soon came to forget
all its sadness.

But today when I saw you pass right by me
my heart began beating so fast
that the wound I thought was cured
suddenly opened again beneath your gaze,
and neither caresses nor forgetting
could calm my sorrow.
Once again I suffer, longing to be loved
and today, as before,
I am a slave to your love.

Orquesta Julio De Caro, singer Orlando Varri

Orquesta Alfredo De Ángelis (instrumental)

Hector Mauré

(Spanish original after the jump)

Mi dolor

Vuelvo de tierras muy lejanas donde ayer
fuera a buscar olvido a mi dolor,
consuelo al alma que sufrió, al creer
en los engaños y promesas del amor.
Rumbo al olvido, que es un bálsamo al sufrir,
partí llevando en mi amargura
el cruel recuerdo de la ventura
que en otros tiempos junto a ti creí vivir.

esclavo de tu corazón
y a tus caprichos yo cedí
y me pagaste con traición.
Hoy, curada mi alma de su herida,
pienso que nunca he de volver
a mendigar tu querer.

Porque allá donde fui
mis pesares a olvidar
del amor conocí
las delicias hasta embriagar—
mi dolor llegó a curar.
Mi pasión sólo dio
los sentidos para amar,
pero mi alma dejó
su pureza conservar
y así pronto llegó
sus tristezas a olvidar.

Pero hoy te he visto junto a mi lado pasar
mi corazón tan rápido latió
que aquella herida que creí curar
ante tu vista de improviso se entreabrió,
pues no bastaron para calmar mi dolor
ni las caricias ni el olvido.
De nuevo sufro por ser querido
y hoy, como entonces,
soy esclavo de tu amor.

About Derrick Del Pilar

Born and raised in Chicago, I came to the tango while studying at the Universidad de Belgrano in Buenos Aires in 2006. In 2008 I earned my B.A. with majors in Creative Writing and Spanish & Portuguese from the University of Arizona, and in 2009 I earned an M.A. in Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. My specialty is the history & literature of early 20th century Argentina.


One thought on “Mi dolor (1930)

  1. OK. I see the Spanish.


    Posted by Joe Caldwell | 04.24.2011, 2:27 AM

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The sound files on this site are included for illustrative purposes only. Those wishing to obtain high quality versions for their personal collections should purchase commercially available copies. If you can't get to a record store in Buenos Aires, a great many tangos are available, song by song, in meticulously digitized versions from http://www.tangotunes.com/ and others can be found on the iTunes music store or Amazon (transfer quality varies widely). Though he no longer has inventory available, Michael Lavocah's superb http://milonga.co.uk/ can help you determine which CDs might be best to buy used.