poesía de gotán:
Milonga Café Pacífico

The next Café Pacífico will be held on January 23, 2021, from 7 to 10 pm PDT (GMT-8).
DJ: Amy Zhou (New York City)
Musical Guests Ben Bogart & Whitney Cheung

Visit our Facebook event for more details and the Zoom link as the time comes closer!

Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 4.40.31 AMFileteado logo by Fernando Nahmijas

You are all cordially invited to join me and my cohosts Emily Pierce (Portland, OR, USA), Felipe Martínez & Ayano Yoneda (San Francisco, CA, USA) at our virtual Milonga Café Pacífico. On the 4th Saturday of every month, we will come together on Zoom to enjoy music played in the traditional format of tandas & cortinas, plus live-streamed performances from tango musicians around the world. Many folks share video to see the faces of their fellow tango aficionados, and many dance along from home, but you are welcome to join with your video turned off just to listen and watch.

If you join us, and you have funds to spare, please donate via PayPal. All proceeds will go to the musicians and other members of our tango community whose livelihood has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.


2 thoughts on “Milonga Café Pacífico

  1. Hola Derrick, quiero agradecerte lo que estas haciendo por el tango. . . Estuve escuchando algunas de tus tandas y las encuentro espectaculares. . . !!
    Te escribo desde Miami y si alguna vez andas por aqui me gustaria conocerte. . . Me imagino que sabras que aqui hay varias milongas. . .right? Estoy seguro que te invitarian a tocar en cualquiera de ellas. . . Te mando un abrazo porten~o y tanguero. . .


    Posted by Jorge Andion | 02.14.2014, 8:23 AM
  2. I love your site! Thank you so much!

    Posted by Stewart Yerton | 12.16.2018, 10:24 PM

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The sound files on this site are included for illustrative purposes only. Those wishing to obtain high quality versions for their personal collections should purchase commercially available copies. If you can't get to a record store in Buenos Aires, a great many tangos are available, song by song, in meticulously digitized versions from http://www.tangotunes.com/ and others can be found on the iTunes music store or Amazon (transfer quality varies widely). Though he no longer has inventory available, Michael Lavocah's superb http://milonga.co.uk/ can help you determine which CDs might be best to buy used.