poesía de gotán:

Nunca tuvo novio (1930)

She Never Had a Lover
lyrics by Enrique Cadícamo

Poor old maid, you are left
with no dreams, no faith.
Your heart is sick with grief,
the sun sets now on your broken life.
You are reading it yet again:
that silly old romance novel
where a young girl waits in vain
consumed by love’s maladies.

In the solitude
of your spinster’s room there is sorrow:
dismal reality
is the end of your loveless shift…
you weep, and as you weep
the tears that tremble with your emotion
fall on the pages of your old book;
you feel your heartbeat weaken.

Stop crying
over the dream prince who never came
to your side to pour out
the melodious rhymes of his voice…
at the windowsill,
while the drizzle taps against the glass
your eyes are clouded with sorrow
as you dream of a love-filled landscape.

Orquesta Pedro Laurenz, singer Alberto Podestá

Orquesta Típica Victor, singer Carlos Lafuente

(Spanish original after the jump)

Nunca tuvo novio

Pobre solterona, te has quedado
sin ilusión, sin fe…
tu corazón de angustias se ha enfermado,
puesta de sol es hoy tu vida trunca.
Sigues como entonces, releyendo,
el novelón sentimental
en el que una niña aguarda en vano
consumida por un mal de amor.

En la soledad
de tu pieza de soltera está el dolor…
triste realidad
es el fin de tu jornada sin amor…
lloras y al llorar
van las lágrimas temblando tu emoción
en las hojas de tu viejo novelón;
te ves sin fuerza palpitar.

Deja de llorar
por el príncipe soñado que no fue
junto a ti a volcar
el rimero melodioso de su voz…
tras el ventanal,
mientras pega la llovizna en el cristal
con tus ojos más nublados de dolor
soñás un paisaje de amor.

About Derrick Del Pilar

Born and raised in Chicago, I came to the tango while studying at the Universidad de Belgrano in Buenos Aires in 2006. In 2008 I earned my B.A. with majors in Creative Writing and Spanish & Portuguese from the University of Arizona, and in 2009 I earned an M.A. in Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. My specialty is the history & literature of early 20th century Argentina.


4 thoughts on “Nunca tuvo novio (1930)

  1. que tristes las letras… gracias por la traduccion

    Posted by Mary Ann | 08.13.2010, 5:32 PM
  2. The Victor orchestra the first to played with Lafuente singing maybe a little dated these days but beautiful anyway. After Podesta a Señor of tango great rendition. But is Julio Sosa that I’d liked the most. Why well in times of militaty juntas and old restrictions He was one of the few who keep the flame of tango alive and wao really good. It is a pity nobody play some of his tangos. Anyway all tangos have somthing to say and in the poetry of tango is the mistic that call you and you respond candily and willinly. Geat page this one. Thanks.

    Posted by Miguel | 09.20.2010, 10:55 AM


  1. Pingback: Laurenz #1: Vocals with Alberto Podestá « DDP's Favorite Tandas - 10.25.2011

  2. Pingback: Dancing with the queen | Tango Addiction - 01.09.2014

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The sound files on this site are included for illustrative purposes only. Those wishing to obtain high quality versions for their personal collections should purchase commercially available copies. If you can't get to a record store in Buenos Aires, a great many tangos are available, song by song, in meticulously digitized versions from http://www.tangotunes.com/ and others can be found on the iTunes music store or Amazon (transfer quality varies widely). Though he no longer has inventory available, Michael Lavocah's superb http://milonga.co.uk/ can help you determine which CDs might be best to buy used.