poesía de gotán:

Bajo un cielo de estrellas (1941)

Beneath a Star Filled Sky
lyrics by José María Contursi
music by Enrique Francini & Héctor Stamponi

A long time after leaving
I return to the neighborhood that I left behind,
anxious to see its streets,
my old friends, and the old café.
On this dark and tranquil night
the very air seems to say:
“Don’t forget I was always yours
and I keep hoping you’ll come back to me.”

Tonight I become once again
that dreamy-eyed boy
who knew how to love you and, in his verses,
showed you his sorrows…
There’s a voice that whispers in my ear:
“I know you’ve come back now
for her…for her!”
How lovely and yet how sad
is the solitude of the arrabal
with its little houses
and the trees that paint shadows.
When everything, everything calls out her name,
I feel such an overwhelming urge to cry!

Orquesta Miguel Caló, singer Alberto Podestá

(Spanish original after the jump)

Bajo un cielo de estrellas

Mucho tiempo después de alejarme,
vuelvo al barrio que un día dejé
con el ansia de ver por sus calles
mis viejos amigos, el viejo café.
En la noche tranquila y oscura
hasta el aire parece decir:
“No te olvides que siempre fui tuya
y sigo esperando que vuelvas a mí.”

En esta noche vuelvo a ser
aquel muchacho soñador
que supo amarte y con sus versos
te brindó sus penas…
Hay una voz que me dice al oído:
“Yo sé que has venido
por ella…por ella!”
Qué amable y qué triste es a la vez
la soledad del arrabal
con sus casitas
y los árboles que pintan sombras.
Sentir que todo, que todo la nombra,
¡qué ganas enormes me da de llorar!

About Derrick Del Pilar

Born and raised in Chicago, I came to the tango while studying at the Universidad de Belgrano in Buenos Aires in 2006. In 2008 I earned my B.A. with majors in Creative Writing and Spanish & Portuguese from the University of Arizona, and in 2009 I earned an M.A. in Latin American Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. My specialty is the history & literature of early 20th century Argentina.


6 thoughts on “Bajo un cielo de estrellas (1941)

  1. I do not understand the logic of the Search option on the top right of each page.
    Most of the time, the answer I get has nothing to do with my request.
    For example, when I ask “Con los amigos”, I get “Bajo un cielo de estrellas” as an answer.
    Could you explain?
    Thank you in advance for your reply.
    Alain Berrier
    PS: I repeat my question because I saw, in the confirmation, that both my search example and the answer had been omited. This time
    , I put them in between quotation marks.

    Posted by Berrier | 03.07.2010, 1:27 PM
    • Hello Alain,
      Thanks for visiting the site!
      The reason that “Con los amigos” does not show up when you search for it is that I haven’t translated it yet. The vals “Bajo un cielo de estrellas” contains the word “amigos.” The wordpress.com standard search engine does not count prepositions and articles, and thus only posts with the words “amigos” in them show up.
      Hope that helps!

      Posted by poesiadegotan | 03.11.2010, 5:26 PM
  2. Thank you for the English translation. This is my favorite song for dancing tango vals.

    Posted by Har Ro | 09.20.2010, 6:17 PM
  3. Una Estrella bajo es manto azul cumbre mi esperanza y mis penas Tras Noches,
    amando a quien nunca llego a ser amardo’ brillando con brilla mi esperansa como brilla mis
    ojos al poder verte , como tiemblan mis manos al poder tocarte , como se mojan mis labios al poder besarte Quisiera no ser esa luna sola y derrotada viendo como el mundo da vueltas ella aqui en su mismo lugar hubicada donde algun dia le crearonsu amor y no la volvieron a ver mas….! by: chachy

    Posted by yashaira | 11.04.2010, 9:15 PM
  4. I do wish you managed to add and translate the last verse, since the lyrics of the last verse have the title of the song. It probably gives better context to the whole sense of the song.

    Posted by Vishu | 10.08.2014, 4:23 PM

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The sound files on this site are included for illustrative purposes only. Those wishing to obtain high quality versions for their personal collections should purchase commercially available copies. If you can't get to a record store in Buenos Aires, a great many tangos are available, song by song, in meticulously digitized versions from http://www.tangotunes.com/ and others can be found on the iTunes music store or Amazon (transfer quality varies widely). Though he no longer has inventory available, Michael Lavocah's superb http://milonga.co.uk/ can help you determine which CDs might be best to buy used.